Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Allman Brothers Band

The Allman Brothers Band was a very successful Band in 60's and 70's. It was established in 1969 in Georgia and the band was very influential for creating southern rock genre. Their trademark long live jamming and melodious guitar playing still resonates sound to the fans of this band. They mixed blues, country, rock, hard rock, jazz and classical influence to their sound and the result of this was a very pleasant, melodious, energetic and vibrant music. The founders were Duane Allman on Lead Guitar, his brother Greg Allman on vocals and organ, Bery oakley on bass, Forrest Richard on Guitar, Claude Hudson and Jonny Lee Johnson on Drums. They have some massive hit songs like, "Jessica", "Melissa", "whipping Post", "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed", "Mountain Jam" etc that still sound fresh and highly energetic.